Whickham - Suburban Wildlife Garden
This was an enormously satisfying garden because it went from a front garden with no life to one teaming with planting and nature. (please see the before and after photo below)
The front garden had a large block paving driveway and parking bay, with the rest of the garden as artificial grass (environmental disaster!)
The client was a nature lover and keen gardener and very much wanted to bring plants and nature into the front garden, as well as have a seating space and more enclosure.
The scheme embraced this used pleached trees and other standard trees to improve the enclosure of the front garden and screen the view of the cars/street, so essential for the client to feel relaxed in the space. We redesigned the drive and entrance so the parking bay was further from the house (and resurfaced with more natural materials of gravel and cobble setts) to enable an inner garden closer to the property.
The inner garden was surrounded with a low sandstone wall and elegant bull nose coping, with a yew hedge to create that private separation from the parking bays. We planted lots of cottage garden classics within this new inner garden, loved by the client, as well boundary planting around the parking. The garden went from zero plants and very damaged soil from the artificial grass, to one with over 1000 plants and teaming with life!
Happy client and designer!
Full setting out plan
Full Planting plan
Before and After