“Getting Out”

Grimstone Court Care Home, near York

My final project at the London College of Garden Design develops the gardens of a care home near York; an old Jacobean manor house with 8.5 acres of parklands.

Recent Dementia research demostrates the important therapeutic value that gardening and being in nature has for sufferers. The exciting challenge here was how to encourage residents outdoors from the day room, and make the wonderful parklands accessible to them. The design is driven by what residents shared with me about missing their own gardens and trips out.

The design concept was to make a ‘homely’ inner garden and ‘trips out’ to themed areas in the wider parklands. The secure inner gardens are familiar in style and scale to gardens residents owned, with active and passive therapeutic gardens accessible on foot or wheelchair.

The wider grounds are made accessible by new developments in electric accessible buggies enabling family or staff to take residents on ‘trips out’ to the different character areas of the grounds. These include picnicing in an orchard, a lodge in the woodlands, relaxing by the lake, seating by the old Cedar in the wildflower meadow, feeding the animals, as well as four short walks off the buggy route.

Im very proud to say this project won an award at the prestigious Society of Garden Design Annual Awards in 2020 in the Student Commercial category.

View from the terrace inner garden looking over the windflower meadows, lake and woodland

View along the eastern lawn with a gazebo destination, with woodland buggy route to the left, and farm animal stop to the right

View of the pic pic spot by the lake along the electric buggy route

View along the secure inner terrace with a covered seating space with sensory garden beyond
